Non Members
Non members are able to come along to an evening at a cost of £25.00 which covers all Instruction and equipment. You must book via the booking form and fill in the questions. Select the date you want to attend and fill in the form.
If you are asked to join the cost is listed below.
Membership for the year is £15.00 which is to cover the cost of our insurance.
If you are a member and use any of our equipment the cost is £10.00 or if you have your own equipment which passes the inspection of an Instructor or Range Marshall the cost is £6.00 per session
Full Day at the Range
Sometimes we hold a full day at the range and the cost of the day for members with own equipment is £15.00 or if you use any of our equipment it is £20.00.
If a non member wishes to attend then they must get in touch via the contact form to see if we have any spaces.