The Range Here is our permanent outside lanes set at the far end of our field. Ground is fully chipped with permanent distance markers. It is floodlit for the evenings.We also set up along the sides some extra targets and games when needed. It is advisable to wear decent footwear and loose clothing. The Range under construction and the people that helped. This is a video of the second part of range being built. A few extra ranges set down the side of the field. This is a Silhouette board with 15 x 4 inch targets which have to be hit in sequence for a maximum of 75 points. If you hit the picture you lose 10 points. A double bit axe target. Note the extra thickness to cater for these large axes. A Snife Board. This game is played the same as snooker but using knives.Submit your reviewName: Email: Review Title: Rating: 12345Review: Check this box to confirm you are human.Submit CancelCreate your own reviewReview the RangeAverage rating: 0 reviewsPowered by WP Customer Reviews